MDEC 与中小型企业(SMEs)- 100 Go Digital 计划

MDEC 与中小型企业(SMEs)可实施的倡议和计划(2/2)

1. 如果我是一家SME中小型企业,我该如何参与 100 Go Digital 计划?
• 100 Go Digital的背景:这是一个旨在促进马来西亚传统企业向数码化转型的变革性倡议,以增强企业的实力。其目标包括提高运营效率、促进生产力、开拓新的成长途径,并在收入和成本方面取得切实的收益。

• 参与过程:有兴趣的中小型企业可必须提供关于企业业务运营中的数码工具详情,积极参与100 Go Digital计划。这些信息对马来西亚数码经济发展局(MDEC)进行对每家企业数码化水平的全面评估至关重要。所获得的见解不仅有助于认识现有的数码优势,还能确定加强更多数码化努力的领域。

• 有兴趣的中小型企业可点击链接参加:

2. 请分享有关中小型企业数码化资助及条件的信息:
• 马来西亚政府推出了Geran Digital PMKS Madani(GDPM)计划,旨在通过在Madani 2023预算案下拨出1亿令吉,帮助微型、小型和中型企业(MSMEs)改善企业日常业务运营中的数码化运营。

• 该资助将为符合条件的企业提供50%的配套资助,最高可达 RM5,000。

• 该计划是政府努力改革数码经济并协助中小型企业提高在数码时代中的曝光率。

• 马来西亚国家储蓄银行(BSN)与马来西亚数码经济发展局(MDEC)和马来西亚通信和多媒体委员会(MCMC)合作推动此承诺,进一步支持这些经济支柱所扮演的重要角色。

• 电子销售点系统(e-POS)
• 人力资源工资系统(HR)/ 客户关系管理(CRM)
• 数字营销/销售 (Digital Marketing / Sales)
• 网络安全 (Cyber Security)
• 企业资源规划(ERP)/ 会计与税务
• 数字签名 (Digital Signature)
• 物联网(IOT)/ 智能系统 (Smart System)


• 适用于根据马来西亚相关法律注册的中小型企业(MSME)和合作社(“Koperasi”);
• 该中小型企业至少60%由马来西亚人拥有;
• 该中小型企业/合作社已经运营至少六(6)个月;
• 该中小型企业/合作社具有至少 RM50,000 年度销售额。

• 填写完整的MSME Madani Digital Grant申请表;
• MSME的董事/合作伙伴/业主(由合作社指定的申请人,选择一人)的身份证或护照复印件;
• MSME注册证书副本(根据2016年公司法在CCM或任何类似形式下的表格)。对于合作社,需提供SKM注册证书的复印件;
• 最新审计报告或最新财务管理报告或最新两(2)个月的MSME/合作社银行对账单;
• 从由马来西亚数码经济发展局(MDEC)列出的数码化合作伙伴(DPs)处选择的数码化服务的报价/发票;
• 配合银行提供其他信息和文件银行所需。



3. 为了支持马来西亚中小型企业在中小型企业数码化资助计划下进行数码化的公司,有哪些要求?
• 被确定为数码化合作伙伴(DPs)以在中小型企业数码化中支持马来西亚中小型企业的公司需满足以下要求:

  • 拥有活跃的MSC/MD(多媒体超级走廊/多媒体发展局)资格并符合所有MSC/MD要求。
  • 至少拥有51%股权由马来西亚人拥有。
  • 在指定的数码化领域成功部署数码解决方案,包括数码营销/销售、数码支付、人力资源工资系统、企业资源规划(ERP)/会计与税务、数字签名、网络安全和物联网(IoT)/智能系统。


4. 请与我们分享一些在100 Go Digital / 数码化计划成功的公司。



5. 对MDEC计划感兴趣,如何参与?
• 对MDEC计划感兴趣的人可以通过浏览 MDEC网站了解详情:

• 如果您有任何进一步的疑问,请致电我们的热线电话1800-88-8338/+603-83153000(如果您是在马来西亚以外的地方拨打)或通过电子邮件联系我们


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Topic: MDEC and Initiatives for SMEs

1. If I am an SME, how do I participate in 100 Go Digital?

  • Background of 100 Go Digital: It is a transformative initiative designed to empower traditional Malaysian businesses across key sectors by facilitating their transition towards digitalisation. The primary objectives include enhancing operational efficiency, boosting productivity, fostering new avenues of growth, and achieving tangible gains in both revenue and cost savings.
  • Participation Process for SMEs: Interested SMEs can actively participate in the 100 Go Digital initiative by providing comprehensive details about the digital tools currently integrated into their business operations. This information is crucial for MDEC to conduct a thorough assessment of the digitalization level within each business. The insights gained will not only aid in recognizing existing digital strengths but also pinpoint areas that would benefit from additional digitalization efforts.


2. Please share on SME Digitalisation Grant and criteria

  • The Malaysian government has launched the Geran Digital PMKS Madani initiative (GDPM) to help MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) improve digitalization applications in their daily business operations by allocating RM100 million under the Madani Budget 2023.
  • The grant will provide a matching grant of 50% or up to RM5,000 for eligible businesses.
  • The program is part of the government’s efforts to reform the digital economy and increase the exposure of MSMEs to the digital era.
  • Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) partners with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) dan Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in advancing this commitment, further championing the vital role played by these economic pillars.


Wide range of digitalisation areas:

  • Electronic Point of Sale System (e-POS)
  • Human Resource Payroll System (HR) / Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Digital Marketing / Sales
  • Cyber Security
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) / Accounting & Taxation
  • Digital Signature
  • IOT / Smart System


Applicant Eligibility:

  • Available to MSME and Cooperative (“Koperasi”) registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia;
  • The MSME is at least 60% owned by Malaysian;
  • The MSME/Coop has been in operation for at least six (6) months; and
  • The MSME/Coop has minimum average annual sales turnover of RM50,000.00.


Documents Required:

  • Completed MSME Madani Digital Grant application form;
  • A copy of the Identification Card or Passport of Director (s) / Partner (s) / Proprietor(s) of the MSME / applicant appointed by the Coop, whichever is applicable.
  • A copy of MSME registration license (CCM or any similar forms under the Companies Act 2016). For Coop, a copy of SKM registration certificate;
  • Latest audited account statement or latest financial management account statement or MSME/Coop bank statement for the latest two (2) months;
  • Quotation/Invoice for the selected digitalisation services from the Digitalisation Partners (DPs) listed by MDEC; and
  • Any other information and documents as and when required by the bank.
  • Application Link :


3. What is the requirement for companies identified to support Malaysian SMEs in digital adoption under the SME Business Digitalisation Grant?

  • The requirements for companies identified as Digitalisation Partners (DPs) to support Malaysian SMEs in digital adoption under the SME Business Digitalisation Grant are as follows:
  • Active MSC/MD status and compliance with all MSC/MD requirements.
  • Ownership of at least 51% by Malaysian entities.
  • Successful deployment of digital solutions in a commercial setting within one of the specified Digitalisation Areas, including Digital Marketing/Sales, Digital Payment, HR Payroll System, ERP/Accounting & Tax, Digital Signature, Cybersecurity, and Internet of Things (IoT)/Intelligent System.


4. Please share with us some examples of companies under 100 Go Digital / Digitalisation.

5. For those who are interested in MDEC’s programme, how to participate?

  • Those who are interested in MDEC’s program can participate by accessing the MDEC website at:
  • If you have any further queries, kindly call us at 1800-88-8338/+603-83153000 (if you are calling from outside of Malaysia) or email us at